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- Community Industry Group Newsletter
Community Industry Group Newsletter
Thursday, 28 September 2023
Latest News
Community Service Awards Night 2023
Thank you to everyone who attended our 2023 Community Service Awards Night! It was a brilliant evening full of amazing achievements. Thank you to our sponsors and of course our incredible members.
See the full list of Highly Commended and Winners on our website: Community Service Awards Night
Access the professional photos here: Community Industry Group Awards Night Photos
Inquiry Report: A case for an extended unpaid carer leave entitlement
The Productivity Commission released their report into extended unpaid carer leave on 15th September. The report looks at the potential economic and social impacts of adding an entitlement to extended unpaid carer leave to the National Employment Standards.
The report finds that such an entitlement would help some informal carers of older people to balance the expectations and demands of paid work and care. However, the number of carers who would benefit would be small and the net benefits to the community would be modest at best, and identifies that other policies – especially better access to flexible work – would make a bigger difference for more carers.
Report available: Inquiry report - Carer leave - Productivity Commission
Training and Events

Illawarra Workforce Forum: Improving Culture, Wellbeing and Quality of Care
Join us for a transformative workforce forum and workshop facilitated by Sue Jauncey from Appellon. This workshop is tailor-made for CEO's, HR Leaders and anyone working in community service organisations that are responsible for a team.
Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to empower your team and organisation. Reserve your spot today!
This Workshop is FREE for members of CI Group or ACCPA, $120 per ticket for non members.
Register here: Illawarra Workforce Forum

Suicide Alertness safeTALK Training - Dapto and Nowra
Community Industry Group in conjunction with LivingWorks Australia will be holding 2 free 4-hour training sessions. One on Wednesday 18 October in Dapto and another on 9 November at Nowra focusing on suicide alertness via SafeTALK training.
SafeTALK is a half-day training session to help participants recognise a person with thoughts of suicide and connect them with resources who can help them in choosing to live. Participants don’t need any formal preparation to attend the training.
Continuing Professional Development: SafeTALK and provides continuing professional development points for:
Australian Psychological Society (APS)- 4 hours, accredited, details uploaded by member.
Australian Counselling Association (ACA)- 4 points, accredited, details uploaded by member.
NSW Education Accreditation Authority (NESA)- 4 hours, accredited, details uploaded by LivingWorks to eTAMS once the training is completed. For teachers/early childhood educators.
Australian Association of Social Work (AASW)- 4 hours, self-identified hours, details uploaded by member.
Royal Australian College GP's (RACGP)- 4 hours, self-identified hours, details uploaded by member.
Australian College of Nursing (ACN)- 4 hours, self-identified hours, details uploaded by member.
Dapto - Register Here
Nowra - Register Here

Get On Board Training
Get on Board will show you how to build and motivate Boards and Committees of management.
Topics to be discussed include:
Board Recruitment
Succession planning and ongoing viability
Member induction, retention and support
Register Here
**Please note we only have a limited amount of tickets, so if you register and fail to attend without letting us know, you will be charged $30.
Please contact us at [email protected] with any questions
Board Training for CHSP Provider Board Members and Senior Executives
The Sector Support and Development Teams from MDS, Orange City Council, Ethnic Communities Council of NSW and Community Industry Group are excited to offer Board Training for CHSP provider board members and senior executives.
This 2-hour webinar (incl. Q & A), is designed to provide Board Members, Management Committees, and Members of Governing Bodies with a summary of everything they need to know about the Aged Care Reform, empowering them with the latest information and knowledge.
It will provide a concise picture of the Royal Commission, and the Aged Care Reform and unpack the following:
Details of the Future State-Aged Care Programs
Details of Funding Mechanisms
Priorities and Timeframes
Key Risks and Opportunities for Providers
Stakeholders and Agencies involved in the Reform
Government Supports and Initiatives
Key Governance and Operational Considerations
Date and Time: Tuesday October 31, 4pm-6pm
Location: Online
Registration: Click Here To Register
This workshop is funded by The Department of Health and Aged Care. Registration for this event is free for CHSP Service Providers
Member News
Member Update Guidelines: If you are a member and want to add something to our Newsletter email [email protected]. Please keep all submissions between 50 and 100 words with a link to further info (images are also welcome).
Free Equip Aged Care Learning Packages
The Equip Aged Care Learning Modules are now available for anyone interested in the aged care sector, including personal care workers, nurses, allied health professionals, volunteers and families.
FREE – all modules are completely free
Modules can be accessed at any time and in any order
Each module only takes around 10 minutes to complete
Accessible on a phone, tablet, or computer
Access them here: Equip Aged Care Learning (utas.edu.au)
Carers Week: 15 - 21 October 2023
National Carers Week will be held from 15 – 21 October 2023. Grants are available for carer support groups and organisations from across NSW to celebrate and recognise the contribution of family and friend carers in their local communities by holding local events and activities. More information here: Carers NSW Australia
There are a number of free events for carers as a part of Carers Week 2023 being hosted in the Shoalhaven.
Carers Week 2023 events include:
Family Group Conferencing Evaluation
The Department of Communities and Justice Family and Community Services Insights, Analysis and Research (FACSIAR) Invites you to their Lunch and Learn webinar:
Findings and recommendations from the Family Group Conferencing evaluation
Tuesday 17th October 2023, 12.00pm – 1.00pm, Online via MS Teams.
An evaluation of Family Group Conferencing was undertaken by the research team at the Research Centre for Children and Families (RCCF) at the University of Sydney. In this FACSIAR Lunch and Learn, researchers from the RCCF will share findings from this evaluation and Stephen Bray, A/Director, Family Preservation and Child Protection team at DCJ will share what these findings mean for program, policy and practice.
Mental Health in the Workplace - Corporate Luncheon
6 October, noon at the Novotel Northbeach
Tickets available at trybooking.com/CJRPL

Illawarra Aboriginal Business Expo
October is Indigenous business month and to celebrate Wollongong City Council is partnering with the Illawarra Indigenous Business Network to host Illawarra Aboriginal Business Expo. The expo will showcase a great range of Aboriginal businesses local to the Illawarra and Shoalhaven.
If you have a Reconciliation Action Plan and/or are interested to learn more about local Aboriginal businesses, what they can provide and how to buy from them, come along to meet them!
Thursday 12 October 2023 Wollongong Art Gallery Burelli St Wollongong, 10am-12pm, FREE entry.
See flyer for more details
CHSP Training Opportunities
By Senior Consultant Mike Coddington, October 5th 11.30am to 1pm - a workshop for in-home aged care provider staff ranging from Board members and management to Care Coordinators and front-line staff. Bring your team to this accessible and engaging workshop.
Develop a broad understanding of the key financial drivers, challenges and options to operate a successful in-home aged care provider under the Support at Home Program. Translate this into the governance and day-to-day operations of the organisation. Understand how specific roles can influence viability.
Although the details of how Support at Home will be funded are still being finalised, there is much we can learn from the NDIS rollout to assist provider preparation. We have reached out to Mike Coddington, a senior consultant with DSC (NDIS industry leaders) to put this workshop together.
Basics of DEX Training:
This 90 minute program will run through step by step how to work through your organisation’s DEX Reporting – an essential training for all staff completing DEX.
It includes; What Is the Data Exchange; How is it Structured; More on Outlets; Data Exchange Framework; Priority Requirements; Data Exchange Protocols. Provide learners with the foundational skills to report and make use of the Data Exchange. Understand key elements of the Data Exchange (DEX) framework and be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide accurate reporting that is compliant with the Commonwealth Home Support (CHSP) Guidelines and reconciles with your organisation’s records. Understand the importance of accurate record keeping and quality data and how data reported through DEX is used. Know where to access resources to support your work.
Register for one of the following sessions:
These trainings are being supported by Sector Support and Development Officers across Australia and are available to providers nation wide.

Mission Australia Weavers Program
Mission Australia has introduced the successful Weavers Program to the Shoalhaven. The Weavers program cares for our carers. Many of us are, have been, or will be caring for a loved one at some stage in our lives.
The Weavers program links people who have lived experience of caring (Weavers) with people who are currently caring for a loved one (Carers). They help ‘weave’ supports and services around the carer. Weavers are also someone that you can 'vent' to safely or just have a much needed laugh with. They also understand that you may have limited availability and can meet you in person or over the phone at times to suit you.
We currently have capacity to take on more carers who may be struggling with their role.
If you are interested, or know anyone who may be interested, please contact Sue at Mission Australia on [email protected] or call on 0491147153 Monday to Tuesdays, or Kristina at [email protected].
There are no application forms to complete. Just call us.
The Illawarra Women’s Health Centre Annual Dinner
The Illawarra Women’s Health Centre is very excited to announce Gina Chick, winner of Alone Australia as special guest at their Annual Dinner this year to be held at the University of Wollongong.
The dinner is always a fun night of celebration and there is so much to celebrate this year! If anyone would like more information, you are welcome to contact Chairwomen Jess Koot on [email protected] or 0423 825 552.
Tickets available here - Illawarra Women's Health Centre Annual Gala Dinner | Humanitix
If you would like to provide a donation whether that be a voucher or other item/s towards prizes for the night, please reach out to Jess.
Access the flyer here - Illawarra Women’s Centre Annual Dinner
Youth Mental Health First Aid Course
Due to popular demand SPPAN are holding another Youth Mental Health first Aid course 10 and 11 Oct at Shoalhaven campus UOW.
About 1 in 4 young Australians experience a common mental illness each year. Youth Mental Health First Aid® (MHFA) training will teach you practical skills to support an adolescent with a mental health problem. Make a real difference to the young people in your community.
See sign up details on the flyer here: Become a mental health first aider
The Nitty Gritty - Face to Face
Specialised reproductive and sexual health training for youth workers.
Do you work in a role supporting young people? Would you like to enhance your skills to improve youth sexual health outcomes?
The Nitty Gritty will develop your knowledge of reproductive and sexual health to support young clients. This course is for anyone working with young people.
See the flyer for more information here: The Nitty Gritty
International Day of the Girl
October 11th, 2023 marks the 11th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl and Women Illawarra wants to celebrate the incredible girls and young women we have here in the Illawarra.
We are looking for nominations for local changemakers, entrepreneurs, girl leaders and artists that are inspiring communities, schools, organisations and other girls with their resourcefulness, creativity, tenacity, and resilience.
Let’s collectively amplify and celebrate their leadership, actions, and impact to inspire others.
We will be picking one nominee from each age category (5-9yrs, 10-13yrs, 14-16yrs) who will receive a lovely acknowledgment gift. Wish us luck!!
Nominations can be submitted through the form here: Nomination Form
Southern Youth and Family Services Open Day
You are invited to join us for morning tea at our local office at 107 Berry Street, Nowra. This is a chance for other agencies to see our space and what we can support the local community with and network with other agencies to help better support our families.
Monday 16 October, 10:00am - 12:00pm
(02) 4448 2475
Kristy Puckeridge: Manager - mailto:[email protected]
Rebecca Morris: RAGE/HYAP Youth Worker - mailto:[email protected]
Member Position Vacant
Psychological Declutter Coaches, Recovery Coaches and Volunteers Needed
Inside Out Recovery
Care Positions

Team Leader - Shoalhaven Neighbourhood Services at Nowra
30 hours per week, Monday - Thursday from 8am - 4pm (negotiable)
A vacancy has arisen for an experienced and enthusiastic professional to join our team as a Team Leader. The successful candidate will work under general direction from the Manager to coordinate, administer and lead a team to deliver high quality, professional and individualised services to people over 65, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders over 50 or people with an approved NDIS plan to enable them to achieve their goals and aspirations.
For more information and to apply see: Team Leader - Nowra - Job in Nowra - Shoalhaven Neighbourhood Services Inc (ethicaljobs.com.au)
More information: SNS Position Vacant
Scope Home Access - Board Member (voluntary)
An exciting opportunity exists for a skilled person to join the Board of Scope Home Access. We are looking for a suitably qualified person who shares our passion in making a meaningful contribution to the Aged Care & Disability sectors through home modification and allied health services.
For more information, email Steven Dixon on [email protected]
See their website here: http://www.scopehomeaccess.com.au
Closing Date: 15th October 2023
Grants & Funding Opportunities
Small Grant Funding Opportunity
Applications will be open from 16 October 2023 – 27 November 2023 and successful applicants will receive their funding in January 2024.
The Shoalhaven Anti-Poverty Committee (SAPC) are excited to announce the launch of the Connecting Communities Fund which has been established to provide up to 2 small financial subsidies of up to $1,000.00 (GST exclusive) each to eligible organisations and groups such as incorporated associations, community groups who are auspiced by a not-for-profit organisation, Local Aboriginal Land Councils or School P & C Associations.
The fund is for project activities which will provide opportunities for individuals, families and communities to participate in new community projects to support them to be connected and to belong.
A drop in information session on ‘How to apply’ will be held on Tuesday 17 October from 1pm - 1.45pm at East Nowra Neighbourhood Centre- 2/80 Park Rd, East Nowra.
The launch of the fund coincides with this year’s Anti-Poverty week from 15 - 21 October 2023, which is a week to support the community to have an increased understanding of poverty and to work towards ending poverty. For further information about Anti-Poverty Week visit www.antipovertyweek.org.au.
See the guidelines here: Connecting Communities Fund Guidelines
If you have any questions or want to discuss your idea further you can contact the key contact person, Emma Woodon 4422 9529
New Grant Opportunity Coming Soon! 2023-24 Volunteer Grants
Volunteer Grants support the work of local community organisations by enabling the inclusion of vulnerable people and promoting awareness to increase participation in volunteering.
The 2023-24 Volunteer Grants Opportunity is expected to open for applications in the second half of 2023.
Grants of between $1,000 and $5,000 will be available to assist eligible not-for-profit community organisations support the efforts of their volunteers.
The Grant Opportunity Guidelines are on GrantConnect with other supporting documentation to be published when the opportunity is open for application.
To receive the latest information for this upcoming grant opportunity, please subscribe to the Community Grants Hub or GrantConnect.
Find out more here: New grant opportunity coming soon!
Grant Finder
Having trouble keeping up to date with grants for your organisation? Get the latest grants available customised to your organisation straight to your inbox!
Click Here to access our grant finder portal and start your search.
Community Industry Group
Thank you!
Thank you for reading our newsletter. Community Industry Group is the peak body for community organisations in southern NSW. We provide a voice, influence, and leadership for not-for-profit community organisations so that they can support vulnerable individuals, families, and communities.
Membership is open to non-profit community-based social or welfare organisations that are based in, or work in the Southern NSW region, and to individuals. Associate membership (non-voting) is open to private non-government organisations and government bodies. Further information about how to become a member is available here.